The HPV vaccine prevents 6 types of cancer later in life. Getting your child vaccinated against HPV NOW can help keep him or her healthy well into adulthood.
If your son or daughter is between ages 9 and 12, talk to their doctor about the HPV vaccine. The vaccine is safe, effective, and long-lasting.
Use this site to learn the facts about the HPV vaccine and how it can help protect your child from 6 types of cancer later in life.
Call your child’s doctor to schedule an appointment or request the HPV vaccine at your child’s well visit.
if you have any questions about the HPV vaccine, write them down and take them to your child’s doctor visit.
The American Cancer Society recommends that boys and girls get the HPV vaccine between the ages of 9 and 12. Teens and young adults through age 26 who are not already vaccinated should get the HPV vaccine as soon as possible. Teens who start the series late may need 3 shots instead of 2.
The HPV vaccine can protect your child’s future because it helps prevent six types of cancer later in life.
HPV is a common virus that can cause 6 types of cancer.
Prevention Matters! HPV cannot be treated, but there is a vaccine that can prevent it.
The HPV vaccine works best when given between ages 9 and 12, for boys and girls.
The HPV vaccine is safe, effective, and long-lasting.
Almost 35,000 man and women get HPV cancers in the United States every year.
HPV is very common. Eight out of ten people will HPV at some point in their lives.
HPV vaccination can prevent more than 90% of HPV cancers when given at the recommended ages. #GenesisPrimeCarePediatrics
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