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Diabetic Friendly Tomato Pie Recipe

Foto del escritor: Genesis PrimeCareGenesis PrimeCare

"I made this last weekend and it was WONDERFUL"!- Renae Smith, Certified Diabetic Educator. #diabetes #diabeticrecipes

There are tons of so-called "Diabetic Friendly Recipes", but upon looking closer at the ingredients you soon realize, they are FAR from diabetic friendly. The next thing you know you have a spike and you blood sugar rises and then falls sharply.

Renae Smith is our Certified Diabetic Educator and she shares recipes that are safe for our diabetic population.

Renae Smith is a Certified Diabetic Educator at Genesis PrimeCare. She has scheduled group Diabetic Education classes at our GPC Clinics. The purpose of these classes are to improve the help of adult diabetics who have had diabetes for years, as well as those who are newly diagnosed. In the group, education is provided about specific topics concerning diabetes management.

​Renae Smith is a Certified Diabetic Educator at Genesis PrimeCare. As of March 16, 2020 all Genesis clinics received the distinction of being qualified through the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists, formerly the Association of Diabetes Educators. Since that time consults will be 1:1, with the purpose of helping adult diabetics to improve diabetic management, both with a history of diabetes, as well as those who are newly diagnosed. Education is provided about specific topics concerning diabetes management.

Group Diabetic Education meetings will be scheduled for patients who have already attended 1:1 classes. Group classes will remain free while providing continuing education and support to the person with diabetes. Times and dates of group meetings will be posted when scheduled at the different clinics.

Here's a great Diabetic friendly Tomato Pie Recipe:

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Genesis PrimeCare es una FTCA considerada una organización sin fines de lucro FQHC y 501 (C3) de centro de salud calificado federalmente

“Este centro de salud recibe fondos del HHS y tiene PHS Federal considerará el estado con respecto a ciertos salud o reclamos relacionados con la salud, incluyendo demandas por negligencia médica, para sí y sus individuos cubiertos.”

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GPC Texarkana College Dr., Texarkana Ark y Atlanta, TX. Las ubicaciones son reconocidas como un hogar médico centrado en el paciente de nivel 2 por el Comité Nacional de Garantía de Calidad

Arkansas Susan G. Komen otorga a Genesis PrimeCare una subvención de $ 5,000 para su "Programa de detección de cáncer de mama". 2018 y 2019

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